
workout day7

上のみ 今日で1週間目 脚の痩せていく順番としては ふくらはぎ→太腿の下半分→上半分→付け根 な気がする。 今は「太腿の下半分」のパートに多分いてて、少しずつ細くなっている。 最初の1週間は続けることをメインにしてたから一日ワンセットのみ。 2週間目は…

workout day 6

レッグアダクション両方 からの上の足上げ下げしてお尻鍛えた両方 ストレッチ 足パカ

workout day5

Plus, stretch

workout day 4

plus 足パカクロス ストレッチ おつ

workout day3

I'm getting used to these workouts bc I don't get feel muscle pain after I trained. I also sort of noticed my thigh is getting slim!!! Let's keep going!

workout day2

I made it today as well! Keep going~~

workout day1

It's been over 1 week since I started the below workout. My thigh is getting slimmer. I feel my buts are getting the lift up as well. Keep going! For getting in shape.


I've gotten lots of stuff in the Walmart amount of $139.84 because I don't wanna go out frequently for groceries. But I was said that I bought too much with laughing. So? You don't care about it, huh? Anyway, it doesn't matter so much. I h…


I learned new words such as vice president, presidential inauguration, no cap, nosy, and handy today. -vice president=副大統領 -presidential inauguration=大統領の就任式 -no cap=seriously, no kidding, no joking ガチで -nosy=keep asking 知り…

I learned new phrase. I might as well cook by myself as let him cook. 「彼に作らせるよりかは自分で作る方がマシだ。」 These airpods are so handy. 「このエアポッズはとても便利だ。」 I have backache i have no idea why I had had it. btw, it's …

Today is "the adult celebration ceremony" in Japan. Of course, I'm in the US so I didn't join it but I could watch some photos which my old friends have dressed up on Instagram. I knew it though I'm kinda jealous! lol, Whenever I see the s…

Today, I literally got up early at 7-8 am in order to watch a recorded TV program in Japan with my bro. I also danced on a YouTube channel for over 10 mins. Although I wanted to dye my hair by myself caused by seeing my friend had dyed her…